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What is the Time Bank

BancadeltempoComeUnaMarea is an Association for the social and economic solidarity of the Community where skills and professionalism are exchanged or simply availability.

An association of people who, by implementing a reciprocal exchange of activities that one is able to offer and receiving what one needs, contributes to the enhancement of knowledge and skills and to the support of an informal, ethical and sustainable economy. 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

It is a model of education and reciprocity that helps to support small daily needs and the overcoming of loneliness.

Everyone can exchange their time regardless of ethnic, cultural or age distinction.

How the Bank works


The Time Bank works almost like a real bank, where instead of money circulates time quantified in hours. An hour of activity offered is worth one hour of activity received. By registering you can choose the activity that interests you most.

Joining the Time Bank does not imply the acceptance of a fixed commitment, as you give your time when you can and receive when you want.

The exchanges take place in relation to the offer available through the notice board of the Time Bank.

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Non-formal workshops

The ComeUnaMarea Time Bank organizes structured non-formal learning paths by experts in various fields of knowledge and work.

Each workshop has a duration, a precise cadence and a program ...

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